(No titel) 2021, Sune Lysdal
Material: Oak plank, glue, ink and wax olie
Working titel series : Galleries
Dimension vaiable: L; 32 H; 18 D; 3,2 cm
Production of image with 3D program. Working with the gallery space. Different objects in
metalic and reflective materials surfaces. Creating complexs image, tranfered to oak plank, giving the image a exstra analog dimnension.
(No titel) 2021, Sune Lysdal
Material: Oak plank, glue, ink and wax olie
Working titel series : Galleries
Dimension vaiable: L; 32 H; 18 D; 3,2 cm
Production of image with 3D program. Working with the gallery space. Different objects in
metalic and reflective materials surfaces. Creating complexs image, tranfered to oak plank, giving the image a exstra analog dimnension.