Contemporary artworks
// Sune Lysal works in media such as sculpture in 3D, performance and sound.///In his art practice, the phenomenon processes, abstracts, shapes and interprets noise. ///
Exhibited and made sound performance nationally and internationally i.a. in Slovenia, Ucrane, Russia, Norway, Germany and Denmark. Has exhibited at the State Museum of Art “fridays”, The Free Exhibition building, Kunsthal, Warehouse 9, Mayhem and various alternative exhibition platforms. Sune has organized and created various sound festivals, magazines, alternative social platforms, exhibition formats and workshops.
Info: Print size 74,5 x 59,5 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: gold metal. (2020)
I forbindelse med SMK digitale samlings 10 årsjubilæum. Lavede jeg værket data parasit.
Min arbejdstitel var data støj, da vi lever I en verden hvor det digitale energi aftryk har større omkostninger ind de fleste kan gennemskue. Tænker jeg det interessant og vigtigt at abstarhere og tydeligøre data støj.
Til værket brugte jeg data transformation af data trafik fra serveren til og fra SMK digitale samlings website. I samarbejde med SMK tekniker, tog jeg hjemme sidens live data flow og sendt det gennem klassisk 90er modem. Denne type modem bruger lyd til at sende data. Lyden skabt via modem, blev afspillet i vibrations-højtaler-gulv, så beskueren kunne så få en ny sanse effaring af data flowet (SMK web søgning, klik osv ). Lyd blev også virkårligt panoreret rundt I 8 alm højtalere og 5 overflade højtalere (transducer), så der kom lyd I forskellige retninger og uoverskuelige mønstrer.
En anden del af værket brugte jeg databending via billeder udvalgt fra SMK digitale samlings hjemmeside. Jeg tog html koden og brugte samme kode til at danne midi spor via software. (Midi = signal noter til synth/maskiner ). Midi signalerne bleve sendt til robot triggers der slog på forskellige overflade og skabte psykoaukustisk lyd.
I forbindelse med SMK digitale samlings 10 årsjubilæum. Lavede jeg værket data parasit.
Min arbejdstitel var data støj, da vi lever I en verden hvor det digitale energi aftryk har større omkostninger ind de fleste kan gennemskue. Tænker jeg det interessant og vigtigt at abstarhere og tydeligøre data støj.
Til værket brugte jeg data transformation af data trafik fra serveren til og fra SMK digitale samlings website. I samarbejde med SMK tekniker, tog jeg hjemme sidens live data flow og sendt det gennem klassisk 90er modem. Denne type modem bruger lyd til at sende data. Lyden skabt via modem, blev afspillet i vibrations-højtaler-gulv, så beskueren kunne så få en ny sanse effaring af data flowet (SMK web søgning, klik osv ). Lyd blev også virkårligt panoreret rundt I 8 alm højtalere og 5 overflade højtalere (transducer), så der kom lyd I forskellige retninger og uoverskuelige mønstrer.
En anden del af værket brugte jeg databending via billeder udvalgt fra SMK digitale samlings hjemmeside. Jeg tog html koden og brugte samme kode til at danne midi spor via software. (Midi = signal noter til synth/maskiner ). Midi signalerne bleve sendt til robot triggers der slog på forskellige overflade og skabte psykoaukustisk lyd.
I forbindelse med SMK digitale samlings 10 årsjubilæum. Lavede jeg værket data parasit.
Min arbejdstitel var data støj, da vi lever I en verden hvor det digitale energi aftryk har større omkostninger ind de fleste kan gennemskue. Tænker jeg det interessant og vigtigt at abstrahere og tydeligøre data støj.
Til værket brugte jeg data transformation af data trafik fra serveren til og fra SMK digitale samlings website. I samarbejde med SMK tekniker, tog jeg hjemme sidens live data flow og sendt det gennem klassisk 90er modem. Denne type modem bruger lyd til at sende data. Lyden skabt via modem, blev afspillet i vibrations-højtaler-gulv, så beskueren kunne så få en ny sanse effaring af data flowet (SMK web søgning, klik osv ). Lyd blev også virkårligt panoreret rundt I 8 alm højtalere og 5 overflade højtalere (transducer), så der kom lyd I forskellige retninger og uoverskuelige mønstrer.
En anden del af værket brugte jeg databending via billeder udvalgt fra SMK digitale samlings hjemmeside. Jeg tog html koden og brugte samme kode til at danne midi spor via software. ( Midi = signal noter til synth/maskiner ). Midi signalerne bleve sendt til robot triggers der slog på forskellige overflade og skabte psykoaukustisk lyd.
Info: Print size 53 x 41 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Gold messing. (2020)
Description: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, in a serie of 3 with the working titel: Luxury Product
Info: Print size 56 x 53 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Gold messing. (2020)
Description: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, in a serie of 3 with the working titel: Luxury Product
Info: Print size 57 x 31 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Gold messing. (2020)
Description: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, in a serie of 3 with the working titel: Luxury Product
Info: Print size 56 x 53 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Gold messing. (2020)
Gold messing frame and glass.
Contempoary Artist, Sune Lysdal (2020), no titel, photo 30 x 40 cm, tree frame, from the work titel serie power square, Denmark
Info: Print size 40 x 30 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, tree frame (2020)
No titel, WS power squares, (601)
Info: Print size 40 x 30 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, tree frame (2020)
Contempoary Artist, Sune Lysdal (2020), no titel, photo 30 x 40 cm, tree frame, from the work titel serie power square, Denmark
Info: Print size 40 x 30 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, tree frame (2020)
Info: Print size 40 x 30 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, tree frame (2020)
Contempoary Artist, Sune Lysdal (2021), no titel, photo 30 x 40 cm, tree frame, from the work titel serie power square, Denmark
Info: Print size 40 x 30 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, tree frame (2020)
No titel, WS power squares, (602) a
Info: Print size 40 x 30 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, tree frame (2020)
Contempoary Artist, Sune Lysdal (2021), no titel, photo 30 x 40 cm, tree frame, from the work titel serie power square, Denmark
Info: Print size 40 x 30 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, tree frame (2020)
No titel, WS power squares, (603)
Info: Print size 40 x 30 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, tree frame (2020)
Work titel serie: Power squares
By Sune Lysdal
Info: Print size 40 x 30 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, tree frame (2020)
Info: Print size 60 x 44cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: silver metal. (2020)
Description: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, in a serie, with the working titel: Gallery ///
Info: Print size 47 x 34 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: silver metal. (2020)
Description: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, in a serie, with the working titel: Gallery ///
Info: Print size 65,5 x 48 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: silver metal. (2020)
Description: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, in a serie, with the working titel: Gallery ///
Info: Print size 44 x 60 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: silver metal. (2020)
Description: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, in a serie, with the working titel: Gallery ///
Description: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, in a serie, with the working titel: Gallery ///
Description: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, in a serie, with the working titel: Gallery /// (2020)
Info: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, Print 70 x 50 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Black aluminium. (2020)
Info: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, Print 50 x 100 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Black aluminium. (2020)
Info: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, Print 50 x 100 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Black aluminium. (2020)
Info: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, Print 70 x 50 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Black aluminium. (2020)
Description: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, in a serie with the working titel: wagon
Info: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, Print 70 x 50 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Black aluminium. (2020)
Description: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, in a serie with the working titel: wagon
Info: Print size 74,5 x 59,5 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: gold metal. (2020)
Info: Print size 74,5 x 59,5 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: gold metal. (2020)
Info: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, Print 70 x 50 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Black aluminium. (2020)
Description: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, in a serie with the working titel: wagon
Info: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, Print 70 x 50 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Black aluminium. (2020)
Description: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, in a serie with the working titel: wagon
Info: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, Print 70 x 50 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Black aluminium. (2020)
Info: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, Print 70 x 50 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Black aluminium. (2020)
Info: 1 of 1. Print 50 x 70 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Black aluminium. (2020)
Info: 1 of 1. Print 50 x 70 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Black aluminium. (2020)
Info: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, Print 70 x 50 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Black aluminium. (2020)
Info: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, Print 70 x 50 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Black aluminium. (2020)
Info: 3D Pictures by Sune Lysdal, Paper Silk Giclée 310g, (2020) Var: size and frames
Description: working titel: wagon
Info: 3D Picture by Sune Lysdal, Print 50 x 100 cm. Paper Silk Giclée 310g, Frame: Black aluminium. (2020)
Sune Lysdal
Titel: Rejs dig op
En lydskulpturel performance ca 25 min. Skabte psykoakoustisk ved at have 12 robot triggers til at slå på
forskellige overflader, styret via synth/sampler af midi triggers. Samt en overflade højtaler spændt på
badestol så den kunne vibrer efter lyde sendt fra synth/sampler. Performancen styres live og starter med
hjerte slags tempo hvor 1 trigger vipper sædet på rolator og 1 trigger slår på sæde bunden af kørestol og
med lille forsinkelse vibrer overflade højtaler badestol. Kunstner forlader rumme.
Der skiftes i rytme og tempo og hvert objekt afgiver lyd alene. Så triggers på rolator, kørestol og
overflade højtale på badestol skifte vis afspiller korte og lange rytme kompositioner, der styres individuelt
i tempo og komposition anslag og lyde. Der panoreres rundt vilkårligt. Der slås tilbage til start udgangs
punktet med hjerte rytme, men nu med alle triggers på samme slag. Der bygges mere musikalsk rytme op
og alle tre objekter afgiver lyd der skiftes i tempo og komposition. Der er rumklang i rummet og lyden er
metalisk. Badestolen bevæger sig en lille smule rundt i rummet.
Der vendes tilbage til hjerte rytme med nogen af triggers og badestol. Der bygges op til en mere aggressiv
komposition med højt tempo og høj grad af gentagelse, Der skrues op for volume så badestol kraftigt
hopper rundt og støder ind i væggen, mens den skramler af plastic og gulv friktion
Der opføres nogle andre kompositioner og slutter med hjerterytme som starten.
Copenhagen fashion week for Busters World. Performance with after,before and catwalk show (2019)
Artist: Sune Lysdal Description: nylon banner70 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: Pvc banner 200 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: nylon banner70 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: nylon banner70 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: nylon banner70 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: nylon banner70 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: nylon banner70 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: nylon banner70 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: nylon banner70 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: nylon banner70 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: nylon banner70 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
Exhibition: 404 Ghost
Place: Carlsberg byen CGK
Titel: No
Artist: Sune Lysdal
Description: nylon banner70 x 140 cm with strobe light. Image is databende with sound.So the data is both sound and data. See video
GTX950M NOIES (2019) Mikropolis cocktail, København K, Titel: Instrument, Materialer: jack 2,5 mm m/ledning, Mat fotopapir 91,5 x 61 cm (b x h), div. tegninger scannet, billed- og lyd behandlings programmer (sonic visualiser, 3D blender, Audacity, photoshop, 3D builder).
GTX950M NOIES (2019), Ingen titel. 3/5 værker, Materialer: jack 2,5 mm m/ledning, Mat fotopapir 59,4x42 cm (b x h), metal ramme, div. tegninger scannet, billed- og lyd behandlings programmer. (1/5 værker
no titel 2019, Sune Lysdal, contempoary art, Sound art, Computer art, fine art, nordic sound art, Danish artist, kunst, lyd kunst, Noies art, GTX950M noies, mikeller art
GTX950M NOIES (2019) Mikropolis cocktail, København K, Titel: Instrument, Materialer: jack 2,5 mm m/ledning, Mat fotopapir 91,5 x 61 cm (b x h), div. tegninger scannet, billed- og lyd behandlings programmer (sonic visualiser, 3D blender, Audacity, photoshop, 3D builder).
no titel 2019, Sune Lysdal, contempoary art, Sound art, Computer art, fine art, nordic sound art, Danish artist, kunst, lyd kunst, Noies art, GTX950M noies, mikeller art
GTX950M NOIES (2019), Ingen titel. 2/5 værker, Materialer: jack 2,5 mm m/ledning, Mat fotopapir 59,4x42 cm (b x h), metal ramme, div. tegninger scannet, billed- og lyd behandlings programmer. (1/5 værker
no titel 2019, Sune Lysdal, contempoary art, Sound art, Computer art, fine art, nordic sound art, Danish artist, kunst, lyd kunst, Noies art, GTX950M noies, mikeller art
GTX950M NOIES (2019), Ingen titel. 4/5 værker, Materialer: jack 2,5 mm m/ledning, Mat fotopapir 59,4x42 cm (b x h), metal ramme, div. tegninger scannet, billed- og lyd behandlings programmer. (1/5 værker
no titel 2019, Sune Lysdal, contempoary art, Sound art, Computer art, fine art, nordic sound art, Danish artist, kunst, lyd kunst, Noies art, GTX950M noies, mikeller art
GTX950M NOIES (2019), Ingen titel. 3/5 værker, Materialer: jack 2,5 mm m/ledning, Mat fotopapir 59,4x42 cm (b x h), metal ramme, div. tegninger scannet, billed- og lyd behandlings programmer. (1/5 værker
no titel 2019, Sune Lysdal, contempoary art, Sound art, Computer art, fine art, nordic sound art, Danish artist, kunst, lyd kunst, Noies art, GTX950M noies, mikeller art
GTX950M NOIES (2019), Ingen titel. 1/5 værker, Materialer: jack 2,5 mm m/ledning, Mat fotopapir 59,4x42 cm (b x h), metal ramme, div. tegninger scannet, billed- og lyd behandlings programmer. (1/5 værker
no titel 2019, Sune Lysdal, contempoary art, Sound art, Computer art, fine art, nordic sound art, Danish artist, kunst, lyd kunst, Noies art, GTX950M noies, mikeller art
GTX950M NOIES (2019) Mikropolis cocktail, København K, Titel: Instrument, Materialer: jack 2,5 mm m/ledning, Mat fotopapir 91,5 x 61 cm (b x h), div. tegninger scannet, billed- og lyd behandlings programmer (sonic visualiser, 3D blender, Audacity, photoshop, 3D builder).
no titel 2019, Sune Lysdal, contempoary art, Sound art, Computer art, fine art, nordic sound art, Danish artist, kunst, lyd kunst, Noies art, GTX950M noies, mikeller art